Saturday 13 December 2008


For once, not a complaint anyone can really do much about, so it's more of a factual observation. For this entry, and any others in future, times are given in Beijing Time (BJT) which is 2 hours ahead of local time (XJT), due to Beijing's somewhat controlling nature. The passage of the sun is destroying my ability to feel right some days; class starts at 10, so on an average day I try to wake up around 0815 so I can potter about the house getting my stuff together, go and have breakfast at my leisure, and maybe walk to school if I'm not too late (catch a bus if I am). Right now official sunrise is about 0915, so I'm getting up in the dark. It's impossible. My whole body is just screaming "stay in bed, go back to sleep, idiot, the sun isn't even up!" ... I can only imagine what it will be like in January when sunrise is around 0945 according to online predictions I have read. I realise this is nothing compared to people who routinely work night shifts at their job, but it's a new infuriation to me ;) Then of course there'll be the happy midway point in about May when the sun rises at an appropriate time and sets likewise, followed by the month and a half where I'll no doubt be complaining that there's too MUCH sun in my day. Haha, no winning here :P

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